Winner of the First Prize at the 2018 Calcutta International Classical Guitar Competition, Deepak Ponmudi plays an Alhambra 7 P Classic. Deepak Ponmudi is an Indian guitarist passionate about Spanish and classical music. He initially began learning the guitar in Chennai, a coastal city in southern India, with Mrs. Ahlauyu SV Naiud and then moved to Bangalore to study with Mr. Poireinganba Thangjam. In 2018, he participated in the Calcutta International Classical Guitar Festival and Competition and won the First Prize in the Open Category. As a winner, the Spanish Embassy in India awarded him a full scholarship to travel to Spain, where he performed some concerts. A visit that he took advantage of to learn about the Alhambra workshops in Muro de Alcoy and attend the Córdoba Guitar Festival, receiving classes from the Great Masters who attended the edition. Deepak is currently studying at the Bangalore School of Music and plays an Alhambra Model 7 P guitar. An instrument with which he demonstrates exceptional sensitivity and musicality. You can find out more about Deepak on his various official social media accounts: Facebook: Deepak Ponmudi Instagram: @deepak_ponmudi