Guitarist, singer and songwriter of Los Secretos joins the family. He plays an 8-string Alhambra Jumbo Luthier guitar made especially for him. Since the 80s making music"‹ In the Madrid of the 80s, Los Secretos was born, a Spanish pop rock music group that has developed its career until today, accumulating followers of different generations. Although it has changed over the years, currently the group is made up of Álvaro Urquijo (vocals and guitars), Ramón Arroyo (guitars), Jesús Redondo (keyboards), Juanjo Ramos (bass) and Santi Fernández (drums). Los Secretos in the 90s "Adiós tristeza", "Cambio de planes" and the compilation Grandes éxitos, are considered the greatest hits that marked their time of greatest professional success in the 90s. Precisely at the end of the 90s came the death of Enrique Urquijo, Álvaro's brother. A hard blow that contributed to the publication of the tribute album "A tu lado" in 2000. A work where artists very close to the group collaborated and that in some way served as a rebirth of the band. "‹A group with followers from several generations Los Secretos has been active since 2002 under the leadership of Álvaro Urquijo and publishing different albums "Los secretos 30 años" published in 2007 is one of these works, a compilation of this long career full of hits and that accumulates followers from several generations. Also in September 2011 the studio album "En este mundo raro" was released and in 2015, after two years of work, the covers album "Algo registrado" was presented, a work that pays homage to the authors and songs that have inspired the musical career of this group. A guitar for Álvaro Urquijo The singer and guitarist of the group has his own personality with the guitar. Twelve-string acoustic guitars are usually a bit hard, that is why he uses converted 6-string guitars, where the third and fourth strings are doubled, possibly the "weakest" strings on the guitar. Álvaro Urquijo contacted us and we at Alhambra Guitars studied his proposal. After a period of research, development of several prototypes and design by the team of luthiers, two guitars with these characteristics were built, in which the fundamental difference between the two was in the finish, one glossy and the other matte. After a visit to our facilities in Muro del Alcoy, Álvaro finally decided on the guitar with the matte finish. This type of finish provides less weight to the top, which favors its vibration with the consequent increase in sound power. You can obtain more information about Álvaro Urquijo on the website and different official social networks of Los Secretos: www.los-secretos.net www.facebook.com/lossecretos twitter.com/los_secretos www.instagram.com/lossecretos "‹