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Article: First steps to enter the world of the Spanish guitar.

Primeros pasos para entrar en el mundo de la guitarra española.

First steps to enter the world of the Spanish guitar.

To begin with, it should be said that playing the main chords is not difficult. In fact, songs by a number of artists (some of whom will be mentioned) can be played with them. Among the main chords, the most notable are D (according to the Anglo-Saxon musical system), E (E) and G (G). A minor (Am) and E minor (Em) are also widely used. None of them require a capo and are played between the first three frets of the neck, which makes them very accessible and recommended for acquiring skill and speed.

They also go very well together. Legendary guitar music includes, for example, Bob Dylan 's legendary "Knocking on Heaven's Door" , which can be played perfectly by combining G, D and A minor in this order, changing C to A minor in the next verse. Songs such as "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones or the powerful "Animal Instinct" by The Cranberries also use some of these chords, they are very easy to play and make the guitarist feel an indescribable emotion when playing them. It is also important to mention that these songs sound perfectly on any type of guitar, whether Spanish, acoustic or even electric.

The Spanish guitar is a very rewarding instrument that, with a little effort, makes the experience of playing it very rewarding. A feeling that all lovers of this art should experience, at least, during one song in their life.


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